Saddam-clips op de Iraakse televisie
In de komende dagen zal dit weblog aandacht besteden aan de media-aspecten van de oorlog in Irak. We zullen onderzoeken hoe de Iraakse en de Amerikaanse media de gebeurtenissen verslaan op het thuisfront, en we zullen ook uitleggen hoe de Amerikanen specifieke media inzetten in het Midden-Oosten. In Europa konden de bezitters van een digitale satellietontvanger al enkele jaren de programma's van de Iraakse staatstelevisie ontvangen via de Eutelsat Hotbird satelliet. Behalve de reguliere programma's in het Arabisch, zond het Iraq Satellite Channel enkele keren per dag een Engelstalig nieuwsbulletin van een half uur uit. Enkele weken geleden werden deze Engelstalige programma's opgeschort. Merkwaardig, aangezien de crisis rond Irak de nieuwsgierigheid naar het Iraakse standpunt ongetwijfeld verhoogd had. Vanochtend, na de eerste luchtaanvallen, was het satellietkanaal uit de ether verdwenen. Vanavond waren er opnieuw uitzendingen, die plots ophielden (Windows Media, 5 minuten, 10 megabyte), en later op de avond terugkeerden. De Iraakse televisie staat volledig in het teken van de personencultus van Saddam Hoessein. De nieuwsuitzendingen worden regelmatig onderbroken of gevolgd door videoclips (Windows Media, 3 minuten 45 seconden, 9 megabyte) waarin zangers hun lof op Saddam uitzingen. Meer Saddam-clipjes vindt u hier.
UPDATE 21-09-2004: To my international readers:
Video clips from Iraqi television featuring Saddam Hussein seem to be a collector's item.
The article above is in Dutch. It describes how Iraqi television in the Saddam era was broadcasting songs after the television news, hailing 'the great leader' Saddam, supporting the Stalin-like propaganda of the regime. The video clips can be viewed or downloaded from . They are in Windows Media (.wmv) format and can be played with Windows Media Player from Microsoft. I recorded these clips in Europe using a digital satellite receiver. The fact that I make these clips available does not mean that I support or admire Saddam or his political views.
UPDATE 21-09-2004: To my international readers:
Video clips from Iraqi television featuring Saddam Hussein seem to be a collector's item.
The article above is in Dutch. It describes how Iraqi television in the Saddam era was broadcasting songs after the television news, hailing 'the great leader' Saddam, supporting the Stalin-like propaganda of the regime. The video clips can be viewed or downloaded from . They are in Windows Media (.wmv) format and can be played with Windows Media Player from Microsoft. I recorded these clips in Europe using a digital satellite receiver. The fact that I make these clips available does not mean that I support or admire Saddam or his political views.
dinsdag, 21 september, 2004 - 11:38pleas can you send to me more media of saddam tv pleas sir iam catrina from kuwait please for me iwill wait for you today >>>>>>>>>>>>>> ilove this siet so muuch
woensdag, 22 september, 2004 - 00:59thanx sir iwill not forget thaats
its very nice media 100%
and iam ask every budy to help me about saddam media please >>>>>> and thanx again for you sir
woensdag, 22 september, 2004 - 01:56i know sir you are not supporting saddam when you made these clips me too sir i would like to give you my opinin about the clips iwana to colect thats song or media for history on my pc and iam so sory sir for iam order thats but ilove this site its the best one on net
woensdag, 22 september, 2004 - 02:00please i need to saddam media songs or media and speech of saddam for me please mr.Luc Van Braekel and every people when see my text
woensdag, 22 september, 2004 - 02:28dear
mr.Luc Van Braekel thanx for all time you gave me , last order iwana thats an arabic languge ask your frind if they have it ... iknow you have many frind ..... catrina 25y from kuwait city
woensdag, 22 september, 2004 - 02:52yes iam iwana to wathc any media of saddam dear
zondag, 26 september, 2004 - 09:44why you forgot me why iam still wait
for you mr.Luc Van Braekel dont forget me remember ilove this site so much
please>>>> dont let me to change my opinin about this site .
your reader
kuwite city
donderdag, 27 oktober, 2005 - 10:55The link is not not work .. please mr.LVB try to fix the problem :(:(
donderdag, 27 oktober, 2005 - 11:45It's a typo, use
dinsdag, 4 april, 2006 - 21:37Dear Sir,
I was born and grown up in northern Iraq (Mossul/ Kurdistan) and am a Kurd. I would be very appreciated if there were possibilities to get footage(documentaries, songs etc.)about Saddam and his wars (especially iran-iraq war) from you via e-mail.
thank you in advance
vrijdag, 19 januari, 2007 - 12:58mr ...
i would like you to ask send me please some video,s documentries if you have any
thanks... al the baath party sake...
zaterdag, 20 januari, 2007 - 21:35seradaschti, nathanael: do you want it with mayonaise, pikkels, or ketchup?
zaterdag, 24 februari, 2007 - 16:37ik vind het erg dat hij dood is. (vermoord) ik hoop dat de mensen die hem daar naar toe hebben gebracht het zelfde gaat overkomen
zondag, 25 februari, 2007 - 02:26@ doenia:
Je ijlt. Dringend bij de apotheker in Gambia...
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