What is your perfect major?
You scored as Mathematics. You should be a Math major! Like Pythagoras, you are analytical, rational, and are always ready to tackle the problem head-on!
What is your Perfect Major? created with QuizFarm.com |
Well, I do not agree with the result of this test. I studied engineering (third place in the ranking), and I did not like mathematics (first place in the ranking) because I experienced it as too theoretical, whereas in engineering I could always see the practical uses of concepts. And I did not like philosophy at all. But maybe that was because at the university where I studied, all the philosophy professors were catholic priests. As an old soul, I would have preferred druids...
vrijdag, 13 januari, 2006 - 00:56I also took this quiz. On the top of my ranking were: linguistics: 92%; engineering: 92%; mathematics: 92% and philosophy: 92%. Less positive scores for: dance: 33% and art: 0%.
Well, this is me. Or at least, almost. Because 'engineering' is not my cup of tea (sorry Luc). But I love linguistics, mathematics and philosophy. And I can't dance (although I'm a great admirer of Fred Astaire).