Jackson parody angers some of Michael's fans

Wacko Wimo
MP3 of the parody song
Parody lyrics in Dutch
Translated parody lyrics:
Won't you come play in my fairy tale castle
You'll get a lolly and two ice cream balls
We'll play doctor
We'll stay up late 'till deep in the night
Come when you want
It doesn't matter if you're six or eight
I have free tickets for Samson and Gert
Don't believe your mom, I'm not a pervert
I love all children
As long as they're sweet and soft
You're always welcome, doesn't matter
If you're six or eight
We'll do Beat It, not too quiet, not too loud,
I'll do the solo's
You'll play my bass guitar
Tell your daddy to wait at the entrance gate
Come if you want to
Doesn't matter if you're six or eight
Where's your little brother?
Didn't he come with you?
He shouldn't be afraid
I'm the one from teevee
He can even come upstairs
If he'll smile to the little bird
Oh, if only he was with us
Doesn't matter if he's six or eight

DJ Wim Oosterlinck
Oosterlinck's parody angered some Belgian fans of Michael Jackson, who claimed they were offended by the song. This Tuesday night, some fans appeared on commercial TV station VTM, explaining their anger. Apparently one of the fans was Belgian Jackson-lookalike Emmanuel De Reyghere, who spent tens of thousands of euros on plastic surgery to look like his idol and who was shown some time ago on "Ripley's believe it or not".
I didn't see the VTM program, but Craig Bailey, an American expat living in Flanders and blogging as "Flemish American", saw the show and comments on the matter in an excellent blogpost titled "Responsible Radio". He places the issue in the more general scope of Belgian media reporting:
While the protest from Mike's fans are a bit overstated since the song is so ridicules, it does raise a few more interesting issues. [...]
Here in Belgium, too often, the daily presenters throw objectivity into the wind and promote a very worldly and liberal (and anti-Bush) agenda to the general public. As the news here is already lacking in objectivity, this only adds fuel to the anti-American administration sentiments seen all over the country right now.
For those of us Americans who speak the local languages, the result is depressing. Even Americans who are against Bush begin to tire of airwaves that constantly find any fault with the States no matter how miniscule and fail to pick out any positive stories coming from our side of the Atlantic.
In the Flemish blogosphere, opinions on the parody are mixed. "Tasteless and cheap, one does not make fun of paedophilia. The song is joking about paedophilia, more than with Jackson", says Koen Godderis, a blogger, media watcher and enfant terrible who once compared the Eurosong for Kids competition with child abuse. "Deliciously silly", says Steven Noels, a well-known open source developer who recently switched his blog from English to Dutch.
[ Technorati: Michael Jackson - Belgium - parody - radio - broadcasting ]
amir hossein esteki
vrijdag, 5 oktober, 2007 - 17:00Amir Hosein Esteki.009809131149733
Manager the sand sale and buy by foundry industrial in iran and worldwide.
Email:[email protected]
Amir Hosein Esteki
woensdag, 20 december, 2006 - 16:26Amir Hosein Esteki.009809131149733
Manager the sand sale and buy by foundry industrial in iran and worldwide.
Email:[email protected]
Mohammad reza motamedi
woensdag, 20 december, 2006 - 16:24Amir Hosein Esteki.009809131149733
Manager the sand sale and buy by foundry industrial in iran and worldwide.
Email:[email protected]
Mohammad reza motamedi
woensdag, 20 december, 2006 - 16:23Amir Hosein Esteki.009809131149733
Manager the sand sale and buy by foundry industrial in iran and worldwide.
Email:[email protected]
Jöe Jackson
zaterdag, 9 september, 2006 - 22:05Dear Mr. Mohammad reza Protamedi,
I am the adopted goldfish of Michael Jackson, Michael himself was too kind to give me his last name, and as a result I have almost the same name as that singer from "Sunday Diapers", "Is that slut really going out with him?", "Beat Crazy", "It's different for girls", etc. etc....
Now you know that Michael himself is a very busy person, especially since he moved to Dubai, and you know there are lots of lonesome camels there, I don't have to draw an tekeningeske of that hee :-)
I really hope that you could marry that girl without Michael's help, and that that girl could satisfy all your wishes in the kitchen, in bed and in the garden.
For the treatment of your mother, Michael proposes that you should have a hospital insurance at DKV (http://www.dkv.be). They are a bit expensive and they are also a bit slow on the phone, but they always pay back your hospital bills on time.
I have to go back to my aquarium now, bye.
Mohammad reza motamedi
vrijdag, 8 september, 2006 - 19:29Dear Mr Michael Jackson.
How are you today.i are so await you contact.
I very appreciate of you that have before respond to my email and for me very honor that
you respond to my email and i very love to you and i have of childhood very love to you
and always listen to you song and i very greeting to you.
I are a young 23 year old and have no job in here and my family are very poor and we have
no income resource and my mother is very sick and have been diagnosed with Esophageal cancer
and Dear Mr Jackson,we very need to the money for treatment my mama and please help us till
we can treatment my mama and you sure that Dear God bless you and you family.
I don't oblige you to help us please if really willing help us and give us some money till
we can pay money to doctor and also hospital and they will treatment my mama.thanks
We are await you contact and please help to my mother.
Yours sincerely,
Mohammad reza motamedi.
Email:[email protected]
maandag, 14 augustus, 2006 - 22:33@ Amir Hosein Esteki:
I buy 20 kilos, when can it be delivered at my playground in Spermalie?
Amir Hosein Esteki
maandag, 14 augustus, 2006 - 17:35Amir Hosein Esteki.
Manager the sand sale and buy by foundry industrial in iran and worldwide.
Email:[email protected]
Mohammad reza motamedi
donderdag, 26 januari, 2006 - 16:32My Good brother.
Dear Meek Mr Michael Jackson.
How are you today.
Dear Mr Jackson i very love to you and really my hope only to is you
and i very Wishing
that visit you and then request help of you and also very like that you
come over to our
country iran but not possible and Dear Mr Jackson i can that how only
calling forward to you
was via email and please i and my family don't hopeless.
I of childhood love to you and been you only favorite and beloved my
artist Dear Mr Jackson
i yesterday see dreaming you that you have take care of me and i really
very enjoy of this
good sleep and Dear Mr Jackson Dear God very love you and you are
really king of pop.
please Dear Mr Jackson help us some young brothers till we can start
job in here and help
to our family and also i can marry with this girl that love.
Dear Mr Jackson sure that Dear God bless you and send you to heaven and
i till age end pray
to God or Allah about you and you family.thanks for your kindness and
God bless you.
we brothers are await you contact Dear Mr Jackson loveable and meek.thanks
Best regards.
Mohammad Reza and Ali reza Motamedi.
Mohammad reza motamedi
dinsdag, 24 januari, 2006 - 16:08Greeting to.
Dear Meek Mr Michael Jackson.
How are you doing?thank you very much for your mail.
we really very appreciate of you that respond to us email some brothers and i want of God
that always keep of you and you family and Dear Mr Jackson i very love to you and you are
favorite and beloved my artist and i very pray to God or Allah about you that Dear Gad bless
you.Dear Mr Jackson you are very meek and good and also loveable and people all world love
to you and also Iran people more love you.
Dear Mr Jackson i lover one girl in here and very like marry with he but i have no money
and he family don't approve with our marry because they tell that my family have no money
and i really can not any how do and i and my family only hope to is God and you and Dear Mr
Jackson please help me till i can marry with this girl.
Dear Mr Jackson we not any hope in this world and really our only hope to is dear God and
dear you and please help us and you sure that Dear God bless you and send you to heaven.
I really understand that you are have very busy and very thankful of you and i till age final
pray to God or Allah about you.we are await you contact.thank you very much for your.
I love you.
Mr Mohammad reza and Ali reza Motamedi.
Email:[email protected]
Mohammad reza motamedi
donderdag, 5 januari, 2006 - 12:13Dear My Muslim Brother Michael Jackson
How are you doing today?
my name is mr mohammad reza motamedi and 23 year and i are muslim and
is our address in country iran in isfahan city.
we are young brothers and we are very glad that you find via internet and we are very
appreciate of you.
INSHA ALLAHU with faith and the belief in the HOLY QURAN good life and
we really love you and you are favorite and beloved artist us and you are really extraordinary.
Dear Mr Jackson we brothers have no income resource in here because we have no job but we
are willing and we worship God.
i prayed to God or Allah about you and we always support you and our only you show see.
please Dear Michael respond to my email or phone.Thanks for your kindness and God bless you.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Mohammad reza and Ali reza Motamedi.
Email:[email protected]
Brian Ulcer
vrijdag, 11 maart, 2005 - 20:34Michael Jackson cannot come to the courthouse today, he has violent diarrhea. So he'll stay in the shithouse instead.
Outlaw Mike
dinsdag, 8 maart, 2005 - 22:14JVS: "And if Sgrena's version is correct, The Outlaw Michael Cosyns is a proven ludicrous prick."
In that case JVS, I fear I am not: http://littlegree...(The_Real_One)&only=yes
Pictures from the real car riddled with 300-400 bullets. What a stupid cunt.
Daan, I suppose that neither you nor me have witnessed a real war firsthand. But I'm pretty sure I have read far more about it than you and I tell you that, apart from occasional damage to buildings and infrastructure and the very unfortunate human losses OIF was a relatively clean cut. Check out WWII pictures of European cities where streetfighting took place (Caen, St.-Lo, Arnhem, Bastogne, Aachen, Koeln, Berlin) to know how devastating war can be. Stop being so cynical. Economic growth in Iraq is very real.
dinsdag, 8 maart, 2005 - 13:36Outlaw, you sound like the professor from Futurama: Good news, everyone! (Or Arthur Chrenkoff for that matter.) That booming economy picture you're painting is slightly out of whack, in my honest opinion: a fricking WAR has devastated the country, of course it's going to be rebuilt. Americans have torn Iraq apart, now they're rebuilding it. That's what's happening.
And no, I don't believe Sgrena was supposed to be assassinated by Americans.
dinsdag, 8 maart, 2005 - 12:05And if Sgrena's version is correct, The Outlaw Michael Cosyns is a proven ludicrous prick (pardon my french but I use the man's own language).
Outlaw Mike
maandag, 7 maart, 2005 - 21:18I stand corrected. It appears the photo, which was issued by AP, depicts the car of her (Sgrena's) driver the day she was kidnapped, February 4.
Either way, from her conflicting statements and her vicious anti-Americanism, I think we got us here another Simona Torreta. In other words, another ludicrous cunt.
Outlaw Mike
maandag, 7 maart, 2005 - 00:03LGF sports a photo of the car which reportedly was used to transport Sgrena to the airport: http://www.little...
Still from an AP video; video itself also available via Yahoo News.
Does NOT look to me like it's riddled with 300-400 bullets. The photo confirms the soldiers' story that they aimed for the engine block. The radiator is busted and the hood is bowed as if from an internal explosion.
If Sgrena herself does not contradict that this is the car she was in WITHIN ONE DAY, I assume she indeed travelled in it. She is then going to have some "splaining" to do.
Outlaw Mike
zondag, 6 maart, 2005 - 23:36Dan: "Americans were ordered to kill her."
So why didn't they do it? I mean, that last stretch of the road to the airport is full of yanks; there are no civilians, no houses, no witnesses. Why did they let her live then?
Things are going pretty smooth in Iraq Dan. It's not only carbombs that explode now and then. The economy is exploding too. The marshes are being restored. Iraqi railways are buying rolling stock en masse. I read this week that they ordered 200 container flatbeds from a Polish railway company in Swidnica. Lines are modernized and roads rebuilt. There's housing projects everywhere. Merchants in all neighbouring countires are astonished at the massive flow of goods streaming into Iraq.
If you ask me, the leftist media are so desperately trying to find bad news that they literally JUMPED on this story and are blowing it out of proportion.
de andere kijk
zondag, 6 maart, 2005 - 23:27Well Dan, now that Sgrena is back home in Italy, I guess we are going to learn all about that "sensitive material" pretty soon now, don't you think, I can hardly wait.
zondag, 6 maart, 2005 - 20:20Outlaw, you are a joke. Would you kick Bush' butt when one of his bodyguards would get killed???
Mr. Calipari is killed by Americans, full stop. Not because of Sgrena. Sgrena was going to release sensitive material about Americans in Falusha. Americans were ordered to kill her. You don't need to turn the facts. Besides, Karl Rove and his fucks are now brainstorming on a wag-the-dog statement. Puking.
Outlaw Mike
zondag, 6 maart, 2005 - 17:25What scandal Dan? If I could, I would kick her butt. The real scandal is that ultimately Mr. Calipari is dead because of Sgrena.
de andere kijk
zondag, 6 maart, 2005 - 17:23For those who want something about the Sgrena "scandal" on this "Republican" blog:
hat tip to dof
zondag, 6 maart, 2005 - 08:48No surprise: nothing about the Sgrena scandal on this Republican blog.
Angry old man
vrijdag, 4 maart, 2005 - 21:21http://abcnews.go...
"A freed Italian hostage was injured and an Italian secret service agent killed Friday after a U.S. armored vehicle fired on a car in which they were riding in Iraq, two Italian news agencies reported.
The shooting occurred at a roadblock while the car was heading to the airport.
...the secret service agent was killed when he threw himself over the freed hostage to protect her from fire..."
Yes, Bush, we know that Giuliana Sgrena is a reporter for the COMMUNIST daily Il Manifesto, and that you don't like such people, but what your troops did here is fucking scandalous.
donderdag, 3 maart, 2005 - 12:41Luc, how do you know it's a false name? Maybe THE Brian Auger (from the infamous Brian Auger & The Trinity) really lives in Belgium?
How would you have reacted if years ago you would have a poster from Ostend called Marvin Gaye? (OK there was no internet then, but you see my point) Or if Mick Jagger or Britney Spears would post from their hotel room in Brussels?
And there are certainly more persons with the name Brian Auger, there's no patent on it.
donderdag, 3 maart, 2005 - 12:23@"Brain Auger": I may not have whipped up hysteria from English speakers with this posting, but at least I got a reaction from someone posting from Belgium, using the false name "Brian Auger". We will have to do something about the use of false names of existing persons, which is clearly illegal.
And where did I say I found the song "courageous" or that I approve of this parody?
Brian Auger
donderdag, 3 maart, 2005 - 08:07Good try, Lvb, but you don't seem to be able to whip up hysterics this time among the English-speakers. Which may be logic. Michael Jackson isn't George Bush. No neo-con site is ever going to jump into the breach to defend someone who's got a sticker saying 'pedophilia' stuck to his head even before the judge has concluded. If there ever was an item both left and right agree about it's bad bad bad, it's pedophilia. If there ever was a sitting duck for the tabloid press, it's Michael Jackson. And there's no courage at all in Oosterlinck's 'parody'. Just tell us what's 'parodic' about the allusion about the age of his putative partners.