Belgian ministers quarrel over Al Gore

Last week, a big row broke out in the federal government of Belgium. The reason? Al Gore and his campaign on climate change. But it was not about measures to limit CO2 emissions that the government ministers were quarreling. No, they were fighting about this picture which appeared in the Belgian press:

Some ministers were angry that Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt (right) and Vice Prime Minister Didier Reynders (left) were on the picture, but they not. Why hadn't they been invited? They also wanted to be on the picture with Al Gore! Especially Laurette Onkelinx and Freya Van den Bossche, two Socialist Vice Prime Ministers, were angry that the Liberal Vice Prime Minister Reynders was present, and they not. According to the Brussels newspaper Le Soir, the discussion about the Al Gore photo lasted for three hours during a restricted meeting of top ministers, known as the "core cabinet". In the end, Prime Minister Verhofstadt reprimanded Vice Prime Minister Reynders because he had shown up for the meeting with Gore without being formally invited.

The row confirms a few things about the status of climate change and Al Gore: in Belgium, Al Gore is looked upon as a hero, a superman, the only man in the world who can save the planet. And the discussion about climate change in the media and among politicians is not about the scientific data and conclusions, but only about the question whether we are doing enough to fight climate change and whether we are making enough new laws to save our planet.





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luc, "the discussion [...] about the scientific data and conclusions" is for all practical purposes over and done with; if you guys missed it, it wasn't for lack of being invited but (in my opinion) due to some kind of intellectual boycot on your part, so tough luck; it's time to move on now ... by refusing to acknowledge some basic facts right from the start valuable time was wasted in trying to put forward alternative explanations (bad enough) and questions concerning individual liberty were left totally outside the debate (unforgivable); Lee Raymond or Al Gore ? A simple cui bono shows why were no longer wasting our time discussing the 'data' ....




Reducing Bush..... As Matthias Storme, a well respected and very conservative Flemish professor, confirmed here last weekend (37052), more than Bush, even more than Reagan, it was Clinton (and with him his VP Gore)who reduced the US. public expenses the most.
So, much to the surprise of right wingers and libertarians, 'those lefties' will not only reduce CO2 emissions, but also the public expenses.


P. Recker


Jammer dat zoan ?event? blijkt drie typisch Amerikaanse droogbeelden te ondersteunen:
a) alle mensen op de links--maar voorall hen van die partijen-- zijn helemaal gek of totaal kinderactig
b) global warming ist ?n leftist conspiracy??nu onder leiding van ?n afgekeurde liberaal
c) een politiek systeem gebaseerd op twee partijen en het regering des (kleinste) meerderheids ist - niet alleen eenvoudiger, maar vooral van hoger verstand --dan alle anderen
Lord have mercy!
Desniettemin?bedankt voor het klijne lachje!




By their reaction, the leftist "felines" reveal (not for the first time) their true motivation: obtaining votes for themselves and their party. Politics is only a means to this. Regularly very inconvenient truths appear...




"in Belgium, Al Gore is looked upon as a hero, a superman, the only man in the world who can save the planet. "

Are you speaking again in the name of Belgium?

I think that our politicians just want to be on the pic with a man who is hot nowadays.

And I hope Gore runs for president and wins. Justice will be restated and we'll have more climate on the political agenda.